culture et langue anglaise


 La langue vivante 1 proposée au collège est l' ANGLAIS. 

  En classe de 6ème et 5ème :

Conscient que pour préparer l'avenir des jeunes nous nous devons de leur permettre de s'ouvrir au monde, nous proposons dès la classe de 6ème un enseignement renforcé en ANGLAIS.

- Ateliers ludo-éducatif et culturels en langue anglaise assurées par madame DAVAL Danièle, enseignante associée.

  En classe de 4ème et 3ème :

Un voyage est organisé dans un pays Anglophone et s'articule autour d'un travail préparé conjointement en cours de langue, arts et histoire-géographie.

 voir l'article concernant les examens de l'Université de Cambridge

Les classes de collège

Classe 1

classe1The basic idea of responsive design is to have a layout that is not bound to a particular screen size, but instead adapts flexibly to different device resolutions. To achieve this the Warp 6.2 framework offers all the tools you need: A fluid grid sytem, fluid images and media, CSS media queries, breakpoints and corresponding JavaScript functions. Learn more in our blog posts about the layout and CSS parts and the JavaScripts parts.

Classe 2

classe1Of course we also updated our famous Master theme. This theme is the perfect blueprint to create responsive themes based on the Warp 6.2 framework. Compared to the Nano2 theme it is completely stripped down, has no styles and includes only the neccessary basics. It is GPL licensed and available as a free download for Joomla and Wordpress.

Classe 3


All older Warp 6 based themes can be updated to Warp 6.2. But they'll still continue to use the mobile theme and not the new responsive features. If you want to make your theme responsive you need to take a look at the Nano2 theme, see how this is accomplished and make your own modifications.


Some Warp features are deprecated and will not be available in Warp 7 like the Mobile theme, CSS3Pie, IE CSS files and some CSS classes (see changelog). If you update your own themes, remember that in Warp 6.1.11 we've already changed the search to use a CSS class

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